Monday, December 22, 2008

A Christmas Tradition

We went to the Trans-Siberian Orchestra concert last night. Wow. What a show.

We've gone four years in a row now and every year the show gets bigger and better. I've been to hundreds of concerts in my life and nothing compares to TSO.

If you get the opportunity to go, do. You won't regret it. It's worth every penny and a great show for the whole family.
Here's a link to some TSO videos.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Thursday, December 11, 2008

A Southern Snow

Snow happens in Nashville only once or twice a year and rarely do we get enough to make snowmen and have snowball fights.

Tonight was one of those rare times.

Here is the fruitiliscious snowman created by my kids.

And here is my youngest with his creation.

Maybe it will be a white Christmas after all.

Note to Self

A tile bathroom floor covered in water and Wonka Nerds is slippery and should be avoided.

Note to children...
1. Towels can be used to actually dry things that are wet, like tile bathroom floors.
2. While splashing in the bathtub may be a lot of fun, it is not necessary to splash in order to get yourself clean.
3. Bath time and snack time should be held at two distinctly different times.

That is all.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

23 Days and Counting

The Christmas "To Do" list is still 9 feet long. Why do we do this to ourselves every year? Each January I resolve to have a quiet and peacful holiday season the next time of these years it will happen.

Here is a Christmas cake I did last year...I hope it gets you a bit more in the holiday spirit!

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

I hope you have a wonderful day with friends and family.

In case you need some time alone, here is a game just for's turkey bowling with Santa!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

My First Post

I'm welcoming myself to the 21st century today. I might actually be the last person on earth to start a blog. :-)

Here is what you should know about me...

1. I do a morning radio show in Nashville, TN. (No, it's not Country) :-)
2. I make cakes...crazy cakes.

The radio thing is my job. I love it. It's a lot of fun making people laugh for a living...sure beats working.

The cake thing is mostly a hobby. I do some cakes for paying clients, but I'm not sure about making that leap to actually doing it "for real". I'll post some pics of some of the cakes I've done soon.

Now for the really important stuff about me...

1. I've got the most amazing and beautiful wife in the world.
2. I've got three awesome boys and we are in the process of adopting the most wonderful, beautiful girl in the world from China.

My lovely bride is a writer. She writes Urban Fantasy. You can check out the first chapter of her first book on her blog:

My boys are 10, 9, and 7 and our daughter will be about a year old when we finally get to bring her home. It's been a three year process so far.

I hope you enjoy the blog. We'll see where it goes...maybe we'll both be surprised by it! :-)